Another Nail in the Coffin Of Bush's "44% Hispanic Share"
Monday, November 29, 2004 at 07:16PM
Friday's Washington Post finally caught up with
what we've been talking about here at VDARE.COM since the election: the
National Election Pool's exit poll claim that 44% of Hispanics voted
for George W. Bush is implausible. It is now being viewed skeptically
by professional pollsters. [Pollsters Debate Hispanics' Presidential
Voting, by Darryl Fears, November 26, 2004). I've previously noted the
external evidence for this claim (here) and the internal evidence from
inconsistencies in the exit polls (here). Now I can explain why the
exit poll results were internally inconsistent. Of course, this won't
make any difference to the Bushies. They will believe what they want to
believe. But it might interest any Republicans wondering if their party
really needs to be taken over the immigration cliff. The problem with
the exit polls: Bush's reported shares of the national and regional
Hispanic vote were inflated compared to the sum of the state-by-state
numbers. [more]
Did Bush Really Get 44 Percent of the Hispanic Vote? NO [more]
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