A white man accused of draping a noose around the shoulders of a
black teenager was convicted Wednesday of misdemeanor battery. The jury
declined to return a felony verdict that would have labeled the offense
a hate crime. Circuit Judge Tim Peters, however, surprised the
courtroom by sending Louis J. Giannola IV, 20, to jail pending his Jan.
10 sentencing. He had been free on bond, and a misdemeanor usually
carries only probation for a defendant with no prior record. Giannola
was accused of draping a noose around the neck of Dionte Hall, 15, in
January at a Wendy's restaurant in Largo, west of Tampa. He claimed he
did so because another youngster, whose father is black, bet him $10 he
wouldn't do it. Hall said he was angry, but walked away rather than
starting a confrontation. He has since received awards from Largo city
officials for the way he handled the potentially volatile situation.
Giannola was charged with felony battery. Prosecutors needed to
convince the jury the act was fueled by prejudice for the state's
enhanced hate crime penalties to be applied to the case. The teens who
were with Giannola pleaded guilty in juvenile court and received
probation. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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