It allegedly involves sex, lies, a webcast - and above all, lorryloads
of cash. The whiff of scandal has been swirling around the UN for
months. But now Kofi Annan himself, the man handpicked by the Americans
to lead the organisation seven years ago, is on the ropes. UN officials
- excluding Mr Annan - are among those accused of benefiting from a
gigantic scam in which Saddam Hussein was able to skim billions of
dollars from a UN programme intended to help the sanctions-hit Iraqi
people. But the clamour only reached fever pitch when influential
Republicans, acting with the assumed backing of the White House, called
for the resignation of Mr Annan. Some would not stop there: Congressman
Scott Garrett said earlier this week that the question was "whether he
should be in jail". Yesterday the rest of the world rose up to show the
Bush administration what they thought about such suggestions, by
blowing the equivalent of a diplomatic raspberry in the direction of
Washington. The ambassadors of 191 countries, gathered in the General
Assembly hall to hear Mr Annan present a blueprint for UN reform, rose
to their feet to give the beleaguered secretary-general a spontaneous
standing ovation. Even the head of the American delegation was shamed
into clapping. "Everybody stood up. It lasted a good few minutes," said
one diplomat present. [more]