DC Residents Launch Recall of Elected who Voted for Corporate Stadium Deal
Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 06:28AM
A group accusing Ward 6 Councilwoman Sharon Ambrose of disenfranchising her constituents and being absent in the community has filed a notice of intent to recall her. The group says Ambrose failed to act in the best interest of her ward on issues such as last year's drinking water problems and by supporting the new baseball stadium to be built in her ward. Mary C. Williams, an advisory neighborhood commissioner in Ward 6 and chairman of the Committee to Recall Sharon Ambrose, submitted the recall notice Jan. 12 to the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics. The board has scheduled a special meeting Jan. 24 to consider the committee's petition. If approved, the committee will begin collecting signatures to recall the councilwoman, which could result in a special election. "We had 250 people who attended a meeting to discuss this stadium. Sharon Ambrose was with the mayor in China," Williams said. Ambrose acknowledged that she and five of her council colleagues accompanied Mayor Anthony A. Williams in a trip to Asia in October, at the height of debate over the mayor's baseball stadium proposal. "It was bad timing for that china trip all around," she tells ABC 7 News.  [more]
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