THREATS AGAINST SCHIAVO JUDGES: DeLay's vague threat against judges yesterday wasn't just offensive, it was dangerous, especially given the serious threats against judges and others involved in the Schiavo case. Florida Pinellas County Circuit Court Judge George Greer has been "under 24-hour protection by two U.S. marshals due to increased threats against his life by those unhappy with his handling of the Schiavo case." Last Thursday, police arrested an Illinois man they said robbed a Florida gun store as part of an attempt to "rescue Terri Schiavo." The next day, FBI officials took into custody a North Carolina man for placing a $250,000 bounty "on the head of Michael Schiavo" and another $50,000 to murder Judge Greer. And police yesterday said they had "logged several bomb threats" to the hospice where Schiavo died and "the circuit and federal courts that refused to order her feeding tube restored."
VIOLENCE AGAINST JUDGES: Such incendiary statements are even more inappropriate considering the recent high-profile acts of violence against judges, including the murders of the husband and mother of a federal judge by an embittered ex-plaintiff. Warning against such rhetoric, the American Bar Association last week issued a statement expressing concern
that commentators had "crossed the line in using this tragedy to
needlessly, gratuitously and viciously attack" judges. "They are not
killers as some have called them, nor are they activists bent on
pushing an ideological agenda. They are simply dedicated public
servants called on to serve as impartial arbiters in a very difficult
case." [more]