By the Nubian Journal [here]
Is the white man almighty?
Is it true that the only way for the Black man & woman to get a
piece of the American Dream, nowadays, is for him to get every racist
redneck to be civil & righteous toward him. And why ain't that the
case with so-called Black leaders?
Is the white man almighty?
What of these Black men of "big (betrayal, incompetence & greed)
affairs" that Garvey talked about? Why is it they get a lifetime of
six-figure salaries for merely addressing & discussing the issue.
In the world of ying & yang, hard & soft, hot & cold, I am
sorry to say that if one leader is strong the other is weak and he
needs to fall back and not lead us around in circles.
On Gil Noble's 'Like it is' a few weeks ago, assemblyman Keith Wright
was on and he said that 80% of the vacant brownstones & buildings
in Harlem were controlled by the city since the Dinkin's
administration. If that's the case, if Sharpton & the other "Dean's
of Harlem" had led their followers to City Hall back then to buy the
building's before white's moved in, there wouldn't be a gentrification
going on in Harlem, just a renaissance.
Is the white man almighty?
Only when I read about so-called Black leaders and their quotes and
their feeble minded solutions in black daily's does it appear that way.
To so-called Black leaders he is our savior and tormentor.
He is George Burns, "Oh God, you devil!"
Oh, and we must choose to create something of revenue because to
continue to ask poor people who are practically charity cases
themselves to give to charity is an injustice. We need a another Garvey
or at least a Black Warren Buffet to help make them rich. In a
democracy you need to be the majority in order to rule but in a
capitalist society the minority's with the most gold, rules.