CA Attorney General Announces $500,000 Settlement with Operators of Phony High School that Ripped Off Immigrants
Saturday, April 9, 2005 at 05:44PM
- Latino Victims Were Taught that the US Has 53 States & Four Branches of Government
Attorney General Bill Lockyer today announced he has reached a $500,000 settlement with the operators of California Alternative High School (CAHS) to resolve a lawsuit that alleged the defendants provided worthless diplomas to mainly Latino victims who paid hundreds of dollars to attend CAHS classes. The settlement calls for the defendants to pay $400,000 in restitution to victims. The defendants must work with Lockyer's office to identify consumers eligible for restitution. Additionally, the defendants must pay $50,000 in civil penalties and $40,000 to reimburse Lockyer's office for its costs. CAHS conducted classes at about 26 locations in California. The defendants targeted Latino immigrants and told consumers CAHS diplomas would help them win admission to college, obtain financial aid and get higher-paying jobs, according to the complaint. The defendants charged consumers about $500 for a 10-week, 30-hour course, and told victims they would earn a high school diploma, Lockyer's complaint alleged. In reality, the CAHS diplomas – handed out at "commencement ceremonies" – were useless for any purpose, the complaint alleged. The school was not recognized either by the federal or state government. Additionally, CAHS' program did not help students meet the requirements of accredited colleges, including California State University and the University of California, according to the complaint. [more]
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