2,000 volunteers expected for Minuteman Project - ALL White Vigilante Group Targets Latino Immigrants
- Originally published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA) March 23, 2005 Copyright 2005
a 23-mile stretch where the Sonoran desert rolls into the border of the
United States some Inland Valley residents will take part in one the
largest neighborhood watch programs in history.
Minuteman Project, lead by Jim Gilchrist is expected to draw more than
2,000 volunteers and supporters from 50 states. The group will patrol
an area known as the Tucson sector, between the United States and
Mexico, in an attempt to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the
Securing the nations borders is a
contentious issue that has divided the country in the past year but the
Sept. 11 attacks brought the issue to the forefront making it a top
priority for most Americans, said Robin Hvidston, of Upland, who plans
on patrolling the border with her friends for the first 10 days of the
month-long project.
This is not about racism it's about security, Hvidston said.
is a message to the administration that the American people
overwhelmingly want our borders secure," Hvidston said. "The
administration is willfully under staffing our border patrol agency.
Literally anyone from around the globe can come in and take residence
as they see fit including human smugglers, drug runners, and
The 370-mile long stretch of
the Mexico Arizona border is considered the least protected border in
the nation with too few Border Patrol agents to secure it. And as
recent as late February, James Loy, deputy secretary of Homeland
Security, announced that al Qaeda terrorist would likely use the
Mexican border to enter the country based on US intelligence reports.
borders have fueled the April 1 project where volunteers ranging in age
from 21 to 75, hope to shed light on the issue, they say. The crowd
will meet in Tombstone prepared with cell phones to contact border
patrol agents when illegal immigrants are spotted and water to help
immigrants who may be stranded in the desert. Their presence is an
effort to deture illegal immigrants from trying to cross the border,
said David Heppler, who heads security for the Minuteman group.
But some human rights organizations aren't so sure.
National Alliance of Human Right's plans to station protests on both
sides of the border, said Armando Navarro, coordinator of the group and
a UC Riverside professor.
Some of the
volunteers joining Gilchrist's project are nothing more than a militia
organizers, Navarro said. The "Bi-national Mobilization Action
Strategy," organized by Navarro and other Latino activists, is
considered a Mexican Latino response to the Minuteman project.
Navarro worries that the April patrols could escalate to violence
forcing strained relations between the two very different groups to
completely sever.
"My greatest fear is
that essentially violence at the border...could unleash a furry of
further conflict and further alienation between the races in the
country," Navarro said. "This could be a powder keg situation."
worries that some Minuteman volunteers will take the law into their own
hands endagering the lives of innocent civilians when the issue should
be resolved in Washington.
Organizers of
the patrol say the Bush Administration has done little to quell the
millions of illegal immigrants who cross the neglected borders every
year and that their presence is necessary.
are preparing for up to 2,000 volunteers and family," Heppler said.
"We're working really closely with local and federal law enforcement
and don't expect to see any violence."
the United States Custom and Border Protection is expected to send more
than 200 extra Border Patrol agents to the area, said T.J. Bonner,
president of the National Border Patrol Council.
certainly appreciate the support of the volunteers," Bonner said. "We
certainly sympathize with the frustration of the American people... But
we have concerns that these people are exposing themselves to
unnecceary dangers down there."
border patrol agents are confronted daily by drug smugglers, runners
and a variety of other dangers, Bonner said. The volunteers may end up
confronting the same dangerous situations, he added.
think they would be more effective to go down to Washington D.C.,"
Bonner said. " People should let their elected officials know how
frustrated they are. If the US capital was on the border of Mexico and
Arizona you better believe their would be more security."
organizers say they have taken every precaution to ensure the integrity
of the group and the safety of civilians, Heppler said.
Persons found to be carrying a weapon will be escorted from the group and reported to authorities, Heppler said.
did not discuss what security precautions have been taken but did state
that participants will be asked to stay in groups while on or off
Cathy Cushman, of Upland, who
plans on working the first 4 days of the patrol said, that although she
is worried about the her personal safety it is the safety of the
country which is at issue.
"The message
is, if you have enough man power at the border you can stop illegals
from coming across," Cushman said. "September 11th happened and the
first thing you think of is strengthening the border. How can the
administration be worried about national security if the borders are
wide open?"