Republican Leader Tom DeLay apologizes for judiciary remarks, then asks for new investigation of Schiavo Judges
Friday, April 22, 2005 at 09:40PM
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay apologized Wednesday for saying federal judges are "responsible" for the death of Terri Schiavo and reiterated his belief in the importance of an
independent judiciary. DeLay has nonetheless asked the House Judiciary Committee to investigate the judges who declined to order
Schiavo's feeding tube be reinserted for and indicated the committee
could recommend impeachment for judges involved in the case. DeLay did
not say whether the Supreme Court should be part of the inquiry.
Democrats say the request violates the separation of powers, abandons
the principles of limits to govermental powers, and could set a
dangerous precedent which allows Congress to investigate judges with
which it does not agree. No timetable has been set for the
investigation. more.
On April 1, Sen. Frank Lautenberg sent Tom DeLay a letter. Lautenberg
told DeLay, "your attempt to intimidate judges in America not only
threatens our courts, but our fundamental democracy as well.... You owe
them – and all Americans – an apology for your reckless statements." Yesterday, DeLay tried to explain away his remarks by noting he was "passionate, particularly the moment and the day that Terri Schiavo was starved to death."
But six days after his initial remarks, DeLay responded to Lautenberg
and refused to back down, instead taking the opportunity to attack
Lautenberg. DeLay said that any criticism of his remarks "reveals either ignorance or contempt
for the framework of checks and balances that make our constitutional
republic possible." DeLay added that "nothing in my statement was
threatening, irresponsible, dangerous, inappropriate, intimidating, or
reckless.… No sincere interpretation of my statement could lead a reader to any other conclusion." [more]
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