Deval Patrick enters race, casts self as outsider in Massachusetts Governor's Race
Friday, April 22, 2005 at 09:30PM
- Patrick is the 1st African American to run for Governor in Mass.
Deval Patrick, who rose from the
welfare rolls in Chicago to the top levels of government and the inner
sanctums of corporate boardrooms, opened his campaign for governor
yesterday with a call for universal healthcare and an expansion of
education programs and said he would be open to new taxes or cuts in
services to pay for them. Patrick, 48, the first African-American
candidate for governor in the state's history, also took a swipe at his
probable Democratic primary opponent, Attorney General Thomas F.
Reilly, who he said represents the old politics and has a record of
caution and an insider focus. ''When I talk about the politics of hope,
I am talking about an alternative to the politics of partisan blood
sport, which I think is the real reason why a lot of people have given
up [and decided] there is no reason to care about state government,"
Patrick said in an interview with the Globe at his downtown campaign
headquarters. [more]
- Will being black help or hurt Deval Patrick? [more]
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