Black & Latino Representatives SELL OUT by helping to pass Energy law Harmful to minority communities:
- House Democrats Help DeLay Pass Energy Bill And MTBE Corporate Welfare: Sanford Bishop (GA), Albert Wynn (MD), Danny Davis (ILL) , Al Green (TX), Sheila Jackson-Lee, (TX), Ruben
Hinojosa (TX), Henry Cuellar (TX),
Charlie Gonzalez (TX), Solomon Ortiz (TX) and Silvestre Reyes (TX)
The Left Coaster reports:
As you know by now, the House GOP leadership under the whip of an
allegedly damaged Tom DeLay rammed through the deeply flawed Bush
energy bill yesterday by a 249-183 vote. The House GOP leadership made
sure that the bill did little to reduce demand and to fund alternative
energy development, even though GOP national security conservatives
have now identified both as keys to our anti-terrorism and national
security policies. But DeLay and Company made sure that the bill
contained even more oil company tax breaks that the Bush/Cheney White
House wanted, and it also included the provision to open up the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. The following are the
17 Democrats who voted yesterday for the energy bill:
Sanford Bishop, Georgia
Dan Boren, Oklahoma
Leonard Boswell, Iowa
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Bud Cramer, Alabama
Henry Cuellar, Texas
Lincoln Davis, Tennessee
Chet Edwards, Texas
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Ruben Hinojosa, Texas
William Jefferson, Louisiana
Jim Matheson, Utah
Charlie Melancon, Louisiana
Collin Peterson, Minnesota
David Scott, Georgia
Ike Skelton, Missouri
Albert Russell Wynn, Maryland
Perhaps the most sickening part of
this vote yesterday is a provision in the bill demanded by DeLay that
shields the corporate makers of gasoline additive MTBE from liability
lawsuits for damaging community groundwater supplies, thereby
transferring the multi-billion dollar costs of these cleanups from the
oil and chemical companies onto the backs of local communities and
their taxpayers. (The additive, methyl
tertiary butyl ether or "MTBE," is a powerful pollutant, as its
manufacturers have known since the 1980s. In low doses, its "powerful
turpentine taste" makes water undrinkable; in higher doses, it causes
cancer.) DeLay's influence "clearly helped advance" another
provision that "would bypass Congress's normal spending process to
funnel up to $2 billion" to oil and gas firms to explore the Gulf of
Mexico. As the energy bill was being debated on the
House floor, DeLay was reportedly thrown a $2,000-$5,000-a-plate
fundraiser by the energy firm Fluor, which has been actively lobbying
on the legislation. (Fluor also happens to be a former client of
embattled corporate lobbyist and DeLay crony Jack Abramoff.) [more]
And even worse yet, Democratic
Representative Lois Capps of California was able to get an amendment
considered that would have removed the MTBE corporate welfare giveaway
removed from the bill. But the amendment lost by only six votes
(213-219), and there were 14 Democrats who voted with DeLay against
taxpayers and local communities. If these 14 Democrats had stuck with
Nancy Pelosi on just this one amendment and had voted with local
taxpayers and against oil and chemical companies, this horrendous
amendment would have passed and the MTBE product liability shield would
have been deleted. These 14 Democrats are:
Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
Dan Boren, Oklahoma
Bud Cramer, Alabama
Henry Cuellar, Texas
Danny K. Davis, Illinois
Chet Edwards, Texas
Charlie Gonzalez, Texas
Al Green, Texas
Gene Green, Texas (also on the House Ethics Committee)
Ruben Hinojosa, Texas
Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas (yes, you read that correctly)
Charlie Melancon, Louisiana
Solomon Ortiz, Texas
Silvestre Reyes, Texas
I guess none of these Democrats, some who come from poor districts,
have leaking gas stations in their districts that have contaminated
local groundwater supplies, and none of them have public health
concerns stemming from MTBE. And since when did Sheila Jackson-Lee throw away public health concerns
to please big chemical companies? [more from the LeftCoaster]
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