Kent County Arrest numbers a 'slap' to Blacks, Urban League says
Friday, April 22, 2005 at 05:45PM
- Blacks make up only 9% of population but account for more than 50% of Arrests
Police agencies in Kent County are
"overwhelmingly and disproportionately" arresting blacks and other
minority groups using vague obstruction of justice laws, according to a
study of arrest records by the Grand Rapids Urban League. Community
leaders say "hindering and opposing" and "obstruction of justice"
charges are used by city, suburban and county police to arrest and jail
blacks in alarming numbers compared to their share of the population.
The effect is a justice system that works against Kent County residents
and creates a chilling effect for citizens who question police actions,
according to the report, which analyzes Kent County Jail data from June
6 through March 3. The Urban League released the report this morning.
"The numbers slap you in the face, given that I know that more than
half the jail population is African American," said the Rev. Walter
Brame, Urban League president and chief executive. "It should not
surprise, but when you look at who the arresting police agency is, I
had not expected it to be so big." Community leaders planned to hold a
press conference today calling for an investigation. The numbers
compare census figures with obstruction arrests by the Sheriff's
Department, Grand Rapids police and every other Kent County
jurisdiction to gauge the proportion of minority arrests. Black
residents make up 9 percent of the county population and 20 percent in
Grand Rapids. Hispanics comprise 12.5 percent of the population in both
the city and county. [more]
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