It started when Joshua Montgomery and
Sam Kimery went to a showing last summer of "Outfoxed" in Tulsa.
Liberal filmmaker Robert Greenwald's unflattering portrait of the Fox
News Channel as a conservative propaganda outlet stirred them to
action. "Josh and I decided in the first 15 minutes of the show that we
kind of have to do something," says Kimery, a 44-year-old technical
writer who runs a small electronics company. "It was very obvious that
there was something very wrong with calling what Fox does news." Adds
Montgomery, a 27-year-old aerospace engineer: "The problem is they
really misrepresent themselves as `Fair and Balanced.'" So the partners
created a strategy and a company. And if their product with the catchy
name -- the FOXBlocker -- hasn't exactly become a household word, it
has inspired a small group of activists opposing Fox News Channel to
launch a unique boycott that may end up causing headaches for some
cable operators. The operation began by selling the FOXBlocker -- a
metal device about the size of a C battery that screws into the back of
the TV set and that can filter out the Fox News Channel -- for $8.95.
Montgomery says he and Kimery managed to move about 100 of the items by
the end of last month. But selling the device for that sum was a flawed
business model. [more]
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