Ethnicity, Racial Bias common at work, survey finds
Friday, April 22, 2005 at 05:30PM
One in five American workers say they
know someone who thinks they were denied a job, pay raises or promotion
at their company because of their ethnicity, according to a national
survey released Wednesday. The survey also noted that nearly a quarter
of the respondents reported that they work at companies that do not
actively promote diversity. An additional 13 percent weren't sure
whether their employer had formal diversity programs. The poll of 1,800
U.S. workers was conducted by Hudson Inclusion Solutions, a
professional staffing firm. Among other findings: • Blacks were nearly
twice as likely as whites to report instances of discrimination. •
Nearly one in four workers reported they know someone who had been
adversely affected at work because of their gender. • Of the 64 percent
of workers whose companies promoted diversity, 18 percent said they
know someone who has been discriminated against because of race. One in
five said they know someone who has been mistreated because of their
gender. • Employees at larger companies are the most likely to report
that their company promotes gender and ethnic diversity in the
workplace. [
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