Rule Change Lets C.I.A. Freely Send Suspects Abroad to Jails to be Tortured
Originally published in the NY Times on 3/6/2005 [here]
WASHINGTON, March 5 - The Bush administration's secret program to
transfer suspected terrorists to foreign countries for interrogation
has been carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency under broad
authority that has allowed it to act without case-by-case approval from
the White House or the State or Justice Departments, according to
current and former government officials.
The unusually expansive authority for the C.I.A. to operate
independently was provided by the White House under a still-classified
directive signed by President Bush within days of the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the officials said.
The process, known as rendition, has been central in the government's
efforts to disrupt terrorism, but has been bitterly criticized by human
rights groups on grounds that the practice has violated the Bush
administration's public pledge to provide safeguards against torture.
In providing a detailed description of the program, a senior United
States official said that it had been aimed only at those suspected of
knowing about terrorist operations, and emphasized that the C.I.A. had
gone to great lengths to ensure that they were detained under humane
conditions and not tortured.
The official would not discuss any legal directive under which
the agency operated, but said that the "C.I.A. has existing authorities
to lawfully conduct these operations."
The official declined to be named but agreed to discuss the program to
rebut the assertions that the United States used the program to
secretly send people to other countries for the purpose of torture. The
transfers were portrayed as an alternative to what American officials
have said is the costly, manpower-intensive process of housing them in
the United States or in American-run facilities in other countries.
In recent weeks, several former detainees have described being
subjected to coercive interrogation techniques and brutal treatment
during months spent in detention under the program in Egypt and other
countries. The official would not discuss specific cases, but did not
dispute that there had been instances in which prisoners were
mistreated. The official said none had died.
The official said the C.I.A.'s inspector general was reviewing the
rendition program as one of at least a half-dozen inquiries within the
agency of possible misconduct involving the detention, interrogation
and rendition of suspected terrorists.
In public, the Bush administration has refused to confirm that
the rendition program exists, saying only in response to questions
about it that the United States did not hand over people to face
torture. The official refused to say how many prisoners had been
transferred as part of the program. But former government officials say
that since the Sept. 11 attacks, the C.I.A. has flown 100 to 150
suspected terrorists from one foreign country to another, including to
Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan.
Each of those countries has been identified by the State Department as
habitually using torture in its prisons. But the official said that
guidelines enforced within the C.I.A. require that no transfer take
place before the receiving country provides assurances that the
prisoner will be treated humanely, and that United States personnel are
assigned to monitor compliance.
"We get assurances, we check on those assurances, and we
double-check on these assurances to make sure that people are being
handled properly in respect to human rights," the official said. The
official said that compliance had been "very high" but added, "Nothing
is 100 percent unless we're sitting there staring at them 24 hours a
It has long been known that the C.I.A. has held a small group of
high-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in secret sites overseas, and that the
United States military continues to detain hundreds of suspected
terrorists at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and in Afghanistan. The rendition
program was intended to augment those operations, according to former
government officials, by allowing the United States to gain
intelligence from the interrogations of the prisoners, most of whom
were sent to their countries of birth or citizenship.
Before Sept. 11, the C.I.A. had been authorized by presidential
directives to carry out renditions, but under much more restrictive
rules. In most instances in the past, the transfers of individual
prisoners required review and approval by interagency groups led by the
White House, and were usually authorized to bring prisoners to the
United States or to other countries to face criminal charges.
As part of its broad new latitude, current and former government
officials say, the C.I.A. has been authorized to transfer prisoners to
other countries solely for the purpose of detention and interrogation.
The covert transfers by the C.I.A. have faced sharp criticism, in
part because of the accounts provided by former prisoners who say they
were beaten, shackled, humiliated, subjected to electric shocks, and
otherwise mistreated during their long detention in foreign prisons
before being released without being charged. Those accounts include
cases like the following:
¶Maher Arar, a Syrian-born Canadian, who was detained at Kennedy
Airport two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks and transported to Syria,
where he said he was subjected to beatings. A year later he was
released without being charged with any crime.
¶Khaled el-Masri, a Lebanese-born German who was pulled from a
bus on the Serbia-Macedonia border in December 2003 and flown to
Afghanistan, where he said he was beaten and drugged. He was released
five months later without being charged with a crime.
¶Mamdouh Habib, an Egyptian-born Australian who was arrested in
Pakistan several weeks after the 2001 attacks. He was moved to Egypt,
Afghanistan and finally Guantánamo. During his detention, Mr. Habib
said he was beaten, humiliated and subjected to electric shocks. He was
released after 40 months without being charged.
In the most explicit statement of the administration's policies,
Alberto R. Gonzales, then the White House counsel, said in written
Congressional testimony in January that "the policy of the United
States is not to transfer individuals to countries where we believe
they likely will be tortured, whether those individuals are being
transferred from inside or outside the United States." Mr. Gonzales
said then that he was "not aware of anyone in the executive branch
authorizing any transfer of a detainee in violation of that policy."
Administration officials have said that approach is consistent
with American obligations under the Convention Against Torture, the
international agreement that bars signatories from engaging in extreme
interrogation techniques. But in interviews, a half-dozen current and
former government officials said they believed that, in practice, the
administration's approach may have involved turning a blind eye to
torture. One former senior government official who was assured that no
one was being mistreated said that accumulation of abuse accounts was
disturbing. "I really wonder what they were doing, and I am no longer
sure what I believe," said the official, who was briefed periodically
about the rendition program.
In Congressional testimony last month, the director of central
intelligence, Porter J. Goss, acknowledged that the United States had
only a limited capacity to enforce promises that detainees would be
treated humanely. "We have a responsibility of trying to ensure that
they are properly treated, and we try and do the best we can to
guarantee that," Mr. Goss said of the prisoners that the United States
had transferred to the custody of other countries. "But of course once
they're out of our control, there's only so much we can do. But we do
have an accountability program for those situations."
The practice of transporting a prisoner from one country to
another, without formal extradition proceedings, has been used by the
government for years. George J. Tenet, the former director of central
intelligence, has testified that there were 70 cases before the Sept.
11 attacks, authorized by the White House. About 20 of those cases
involved people brought to the United States to stand trial under
informal arrangements with the country in which the suspects were
Since Sept. 11, however, it has been used much more widely and
has had more expansive guidelines, because of the broad authorizations
that the White House has granted to the C.I.A. under legal opinions and
a series of amendments to Presidential Decision Directives that remain
classified. The officials said that most of the people subject to
rendition were regarded by counterterrorism experts as less significant
than people held under direct American control, including the estimated
three dozen high ranking operatives of Al Qaeda who are confined at
secret sites around the world.
The Pentagon has also transferred some prisoners to foreign
custody, handing over 62 prisoners to Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia
and Kuwait, among other countries, from the American prison in
Guantánamo Bay, in actions that it has publicly acknowledged. In some
of those cases, a senior Defense Department official said in an
interview on Friday, the transfers were for the purpose of prosecution
and trials, but others were intended solely for the purpose of
detention. Those four countries, as well Egypt, Jordan and Syria, were
among those identified in a State Department human rights report
released last week as practicing torture in their prisons.
In an interview, the senior official defended renditions as one
among several important tools in counterterrorism efforts. "The
intelligence obtained by those rendered, detained and interrogated have
disrupted terrorist operations," the official said. "It has saved lives
in the United States and abroad, and it has resulted in the capture of
other terrorists."