Wisconsin: Hispanic students want in-state tuition rates
Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 01:17PM
State Senator Spencer Coggs
(D-Milwaukee) says he fully supports the bill and hopes it passes soon.
Undocumented students shouldn't be charged more for an education.
That's the talk at the state capitol this week. Students say they are
unable to afford the cost of non-resident tuition, and they shouldn't
be denied in-state tuition fees or state and federal financial aid just
because they are illegal residents. Xavier Marquez is president of the
Students United for Immigrant Rights in Racine. He read testimony from
a friend. "We learn in school that everyone is equal in America. We
immigrant students love our country the United States as much as the
one we came from. We grew up here most of our lives and have become
Americans. To be denied the opportunity to go to college because we
can't afford it is denying us the American dream. We have worked hard
and paid our dues. Shouldn't we have the same opportunity as other
students?" Coggs said, "We would charge you what
we would charge any Wisconsin resident for tuition to go here so that
you can become a productive citizen, so that you can become a success
story, so that you can become part of the American dream." [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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