Keith Boykin: Farrakhan thaw offers hope 
Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 09:29AM
If black America is able to end the homophobia in our community, a recent event in Atlanta may mark the turning point in that conversation. During a press conference with other panelists, Farrakhan announced that women and gays would be encouraged to participate in the 10th anniversary observance of the Million Man March in October. “The makeup will be our people, whoever we are,” Farrakhan said. “Male, female, gay, straight, light, dark, rich, poor, ignorant, wise. We are family. We will be coming together to discuss family business.” This from the same leader who had once seemed to advocate death to gays. That historic moment marked a dramatic shift in the Nation of Islam’s long troubled relationship with the LGBT community. If Farrakhan can grow and evolve, there is hope for the rest of black America too. [more]
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