Republican Hannity Trots Out Pet Negro Jesse Lee Peterson to Disprespect Jesse Jackson
Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 02:14PM
Hannity FAILS to Disclose his TIES to Uncle Tom Organization
Jesse Lee Peterson, a talk show
host and conservative black activist, appeared on Fox's "Hannity &
Colmes" earlier this month to tout his fifth annual "National Day of
Repudiation of Jesse Jackson." Co-host Sean Hannity defended Peterson
against criticism from the other guest, Ron Daniels of the Center for
Constitutional Rights. "Jesse has devoted -- let me finish -- his adult
life to building homes and giving opportunity and finding work and
developing skills for young African American men. Isn't that true,
Jesse?" He even suggested that Daniels "donate" money to Peterson's
group. What Hannity didn't share with viewers is that he serves on the
advisory board of Peterson's organization, Brotherhood Organization of
a New Destiny. Nor did he mention it on Peterson's 12 previous
appearances on the program since 2002, though on one occasion he called
Peterson "my good friend." Hannity says he has mentioned the link on
his radio show and "I probably should have done it that night. If I had
it to do over again, I would." He says he took the non-paying position
with BOND after the group gave him an award several years ago and "it's
not something I've ever hidden." Hannity says his suggestion that
Daniels make a donation was just tongue-in-cheek. The Washington Post
January 24, 2005 and [more]