Prop. 200 spurs hate efforts nationwide 
Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 10:32AM
Groups seek to duplicate Arizona Law Eliminating Public Benefits for Brown Skin Immigrants
Arizona's Proposition 200 is cloning itself across the country, inspiring an imitation in Arkansas and a self-help group to guide similar anti- illegal immigration efforts. Two of Arkansas' Republican lawmakers on Friday proposed Protect Arkansas NOW, a Proposition 200 copycat that would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote and when applying for public benefits. The welcome reception of Proposition 200 in Arizona has emboldened those lawmakers and grass-roots groups to raise money, collect signatures and strategize to put similar measures before legislators or to a public vote. They are buoyed by Proposition 200's national media attention and believe its constitutionality will stand up in court. In addition, Protect Arizona NOW's Kathy McKee has launched Protect America NOW to help proponents of the measures organize and build a membership base. "We've been contacted by people in every state except for Hawaii . . . saying, 'How do we do this,' " McKee said. "They wanted to see how the postelection challenge went. When it went according to plan and didn't drag on forever . . . they said, 'OK, let's get busy.' " The curse of California's failed Proposition 187 has worn off and many see Proposition 200-type measures as a tool in the arsenal to pressure the federal government to improve border security and decrease illegal immigration.  About three dozen grass-roots groups in various levels of development are working with the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a national anti-immigration group that poured money into the Proposition 200 campaign. These groups are highly mobilized and spread FAIR's agenda against amnesty, a guest-worker program and illegal immigration.  The interest reverberating across the country in Proposition 200 imitations suggests a mounting movement against anti-illegal immigration and its burden on American taxpayers. 
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