Pictured above: British
Police look on as demonsrators protest against the voting for the Iraq
elections, which is taking place at the London voting centre in
Wembley, Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005. Protesters from several groups held
demonstrations against the elections urging Iraqis to boycott the vote.
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." ~ Adolf Hitler
The Republicans seek to create a class-conscious black and brown elite,
which unambiguously champions a politics that is destructive to the
interests of most minority, working class and poor people.[more]
Russell Simmons Releasing DVD Series On African-Americans [more]
Lawyer relishes his role as abusive cops' scourge [more]
Former Suffolk mayor Mizelle charged with assault, soliciting [more]
Another Million Man March is Planned [more] listen if NO action or organization comes out of a "march" then it's just a Parade.
Nationally, 35 percent of all Native Americans smoke, compared with
about 24 percent of Whites, 22 percent of Blacks, 17 percent of
Hispanics and 12 percent of Asians [more]