Congrssional Hispanic Caucus Comes Out Against Bush Social Security Plan of Lies
Monday, February 7, 2005 at 07:19AM
The privatization of Social Security would disproportionately affect
Latinos in a negative way. Three quarters of Latinos who are 65 years
or older depend on this program for more than half of their income. If
privatization occurs, 33 percent of Latino seniors would fall below the
poverty line. The President forgets that this program was formed after
the Great Depression to create a security net for seniors, not to drive
them into another financial calamity. Social Security is vital to
Latinos because we have lower earnings, higher rates of unemployment,
longer life expectancies, higher rates of employment disability, and
are less likely to have retirement income from other sources. Separate
and apart from Social Security, we should create mechanisms to
encourage more savings by low-income individuals. The CHC will
reject any proposal that puts at risk Social Security’s promise to
insure workers and their families against lost wages due to retirement,
disability, or death. We will work to save, strengthen, and secure
Social Security. The CHC hopes the President outlines a plan for Social
Security that secures the financial stability of millions of today’s
and tomorrow’s seniors. [more]
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