America Withdraws 25,000 Impaired Troops From Iraq
Monday, February 7, 2005 at 07:41AM
In an abrupt move, American occupation forces withdrew 25,000 troops from Iraq over the weekend, according to Islam Memo.  Citing reports from their correspondent in Basra and other eye witnesses, more than 65 military jets left Basra airbase and 40 American ships left the port of Basra, all carrying the troops to Kuwait. The sudden departure was also confirmed by Mr. Kamal Albasry, an administrator in charge of Um Al-Qasr port. Many of the extracted troops were said to be mentally and physically impaired, unable to continue their military duties, and had therefore been deemed inactive. US military officials had previously announced that some troops would be withdrawn under the guise of handing more responsibility to the newly formed Allawi “National Guard” however it was indicated that these would be small numbers over time, not the significant evacuation that occurred over the weekend. There were no official US military statment on the departure.  Eye witnesses described the state of the departing soldiers as one of great joy and happiness. Children were seen giving their farewell to the departing troops by throwing stones and shouting at them. [more]
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