Pro-Torture Republicans Confirm Bush Lackey as Attorney General
Monday, February 7, 2005 at 07:26AM
The U.S. Senate confirmed President Bush’s nomination of longtime
confidant Alberto Gonzales to replace John Ashcroft as United States
Attorney General, in spite of a public record that raises serious
questions about his commitment to constitutional principles and the
rule of law. The 60-36 vote reflected significant opposition for an
executive branch nominee, and the second highest vote against an
attorney general nominee since 1925. “Americans should be able to feel
confident that the Attorney General is committed to protecting their
legal and constitutional rights,” said People For the American Way
President Ralph G. Neas. “Unfortunately, Alberto Gonzales has a record
that undermines such confidence. He has consistently advanced the goals
of the administration even when they conflicted with the law, the
Constitution, and basic human rights principles. His record reflects
dangerously misplaced loyalties.” Neas said that Gonzales’ confirmation
hearing failed to address concerns about his providing legal
justification for torture and asserting unchecked presidential power to
detain suspects without access to courts or legal counsel. In an
editorial opposing his confirmation, theWashington Post called
Gonzales’ testimony “vague, unresponsive and misleading.” But when he
clarified his positions in written answers to Senators’ questions,
Gonzales confirmed that he continues to back the administration’s
position that it has the right to hold suspects in secret without any
legal process and to violate basic human rights as a matter of foreign
policy. [more]
Democrat-in-name-only Joseph Lieberman (CT) chose to quote a Biblical
passage about doing justice, but then perversely ignored Mr. Gonzales'
recent complicity in grave injustices, while advocating his
confirmation. Contrastingly, no Republican Senator possessed enough
conscience and courage to break away from their party's slavish
rubber-stamping of Mr. Bush's every wish [more]
6 Dem Senators Voted With Reps To Confirm Alberto Gonzales As USAG
1. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
2. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)
3. Ben Nelson (D-NE)
4. Bill Nelson (D-FL)
5. Mark Pryor (D-AR)
6. Ken Salazar (D-CO)
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