NO Blacks on the Jury for Michael Jackson: Media/Prosecutors Believe Blacks Too Stupid to put Aside Bias
Friday, February 25, 2005 at 12:03PM

 Selection moved at a fast pace when the judge imposed tight time limits on how long each prospective juror could be questioned. Among the jurors were a woman who said her grandson was required to register as a sexual offender; a 20-year-old man who likes ''The Simpsons'' TV show, and a man who likes Western art.

 The court has not disclosed the races of jurors, and lawyers are under a gag order not to discuss the case. According to one public opinion poll, blacks are less inclined to believe the charges against Jackson.

'How diverse is this jury?'

 The jury seated Wednesday was primarily white and Hispanic and did not appear to include any of the half-dozen black prospective jurors who were in the initial pool.

 Two black women who had been questioned as potential jurors were rejected by prosecutors. The defense objected on both occasions -- one Tuesday, the other Wednesday -- and Jackson appeared upset when each woman was removed.

 The second woman claimed her husband had been treated with prejudice while working for the sheriff's department. During questioning by a prosecutor, she criticized the makeup of the jury pool.

 ''Just look around us. A jury of his peers would be people of his age and people of color, mixed diversity,'' she said. ''How diverse is this jury looking to you right now?''

 Jackson nodded along as the woman described her husband's experiences of discrimination and turned to watch her leave the courtroom.

 Some prospective alternate jurors were dismissed for hardship because of job commitments and several others because of personal experiences that could affect their judgment.

 One of those excused said he was close friends with one of Jackson's cousins and also said his children had been to the pop star's Neverland ranch and had watched a movie and had ice cream with Jackson

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