Media ignore 9/11 questions - What has happened to the US media?
Friday, February 25, 2005 at 02:19PM
Why has the journalistic community chosen to downplay the latest 9/11 Commission Report? Actually the report substantiated much of what the 9/11 Commission Report states repeatedly. There were many warnings that Osama Bin Laden was going to attack the U.S. on our soil, with strong indications that he would be using aircraft and would target an American icon, be it landmark buildings, bridges etc. It is all in the report, which is very readable. What the report also substantiates is that our president had been in office for eight months before 9/11, and was briefed on all the intelligence reports coming in, but chose to ignore them. Ignore them after being told by Bill Clinton and his cabinet members that Osama Bin Laden and terrorism would be the highest priority of Bush's presidency. Read the report, it's all in the report. Now we are hearing about another piece of the commission's report that states that there were 52 warnings to the FAA before 9/11 that terrorists were going to use planes to attack the U.S. Why aren't Americans outraged about this? What this means is that the president and his important cabinet members knew we were going to be attacked and did nothing. Is that what a president does to protect the American people? Why has the media downplayed this report? In addition, why was this report released three months after the election and appointment of Condoleezza Rice? Who as National Security Advisor, most assuredly, was given this information. 9/11 changed our lives forever. 9/11 is the direct reason, as stated by the president, that we invaded Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with it. The big question is why did this administration ignore all the warnings. It's the media who need to raise the heat on this matter, Why haven't they? It seems as if most of the journalists today are either scared cowards, frauds, or paid for by the administration, which is to say corporate conglomerate ownership. It's confusing and downright frightening. [more]

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