FOX News' Black History Month "Celebration" is Garbage
Friday, February 25, 2005 at 10:15AM
I'm not an African American so I hope I'm not offending anyone when I say that I found's Black History Month Celebration more of an insult than a tribute to that large segment of the American population. I was a bit surprised to discover the "celebration" to begin with, considering how lily white FNC is. I can think of only two African American reporters in the entire line-up and none who are program hosts. Yet, it's amazing how many blondes FOX News hires. So when I saw the little box (no longer there) on the top of the website advertising Black History Month, I knew I had to take a peek. The "celebration" itself takes place in a distant corner of the website. There is usually no link on the home page. To get there, you have to find the Fox Fan link at the top of the page, click on Newsletters (not exactly an intuitive link, IMHO), then to FNC Update (another counter-intuitive link), then scroll down to the bottom of the page for the link that says "FNC's Celebration of Black History Month Continues." It seems more like a virtual ghetto to me than a party-room. [more] yep. It's garbage - BW
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