Republicans Targeting Minorites for Recruitment
Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 01:00AM
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 Senate GOP leaders and the RNC are beginning a "targeted marketing plan designed to attract minorities to the party." As Bush adviser Karl Rove and Sen.Rick Santorum (R-PA) said in remarks at the GOP's Greenbrier retreat in Jan., the "goal is to expand the GOP's base in much the same way" as William McKinley did, "when he convinced immigrants and business owners to join." Their focus will be on "the black, Hispanic and Jewish communities," which they see as "crucial to helping retain" control of Congress in the '06 midterms. Says Santorum: "There are a large number of minorities who are in the Democratic base who do not belong there any more. They don't agree with the Democrats' far-left Hollywood agenda. It doesn't represent their values." The "cornerstone of this strategy" is promoting GOP "'values' to black and Hispanic voters ... including a focus on Bush's faith-based agenda and commitment" to an amendment banning same-sex marriage." In particular the GOP expects "to use marriage as a 'wedge issue' in the black community" and among Catholics as well (2/14). The Hotline February 14, 2005 Monday
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