McDonald's settles trans fat lawsuit for $8.5 million  
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 at 10:39PM
Fast-food giant McDonald's has agreed to pay $8.5 million to settle a lawsuit over unhealthy trans fats [American Hear Association recommendations] in its cooking oils used to make french fries and other foods. The settlement is the result of litigation brought by the non-profit advocacy group which alleged that McDonald's did not adequately inform the public of delays in switching to a healthier cooking oil. McDonald's has agreed to pay $7 million to the American Heart Association  for education about trans fat foods with $7,500 each going to the BanTransFats website and another plaintiff in the case.  Trans fats are used in thousands of processed food products, often giving the crunch to French fries, cookies, and cereals.  They are created in processing vegetable oils and have been found to be as unhealthy as pure cholesterol. The latest official U.S. nutrition recommendations suggest limiting their intake. [more]
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