The Chicago City Council's champion for slave reparations accused Bank of
America on Tuesday of "lying" on a sworn affidavit to conceal its past
ties to slavery and preserve a lucrative role as senior manager of a
$500 million city refinancing deal. "To sign an affidavit saying
they've searched their records and your company has no ties to slavery
is incorrect. ... That's incorrect and we are prepared to bring the
evidence before this body -- that Bank of America, through Fleet
Boston, does have ties to slavery," said Ald. Dorothy Tillman (3rd).
"We've already got a team right now preparing to bring our evidence
before this City Council ... to show it to the world. ... We will bring
out witnesses. We will bring our evidence and you'll be back before
this Council. You're in violation of the law. ... John Brown was a
slave owner.'' [more]