Thousands of absentee ballots miscounted in Palm Beach County
Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 01:32AM
In a bizarre twist, the election that cost
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore her job became
mired Wednesday in a major vote-counting problem when thousands of
absentee ballots were counted twice. Palm Beach County voters cast
31,138 absentee ballots on Tuesday. But when the counting was done
early Wednesday morning, the totals showed 37,839 absentee ballots --
an extra 6,701. With LePore skipping work the day after her narrow loss
to Arthur Anderson, the discrepancy was disclosed during a Wednesday
morning meeting of the elections Canvassing Board. The recount, which
entailed resending the ballots through optical scanning machines,
started at 11 a.m. and finished late Wednesday. Determining the exact
number of absentee ballots proved challenging: early Wednesday the
total was 31,095. By day's end it was 31,138. [more ]
Democrats Kicked Out: the recount was carried out without members of the public present [more ]
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