GOP Leaving Keyes Hanging: Alan Keyes Gets Praise from Republicans but no Money
Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 01:34AM
GOP Leaving Keyes Hanging: Alan Keyes Gets Praise from Republicans but no Money (all
just for show. Republicans probably have given more and will give more
money to Ralph Nader than their own Black candidate for Senate) Virginia Sen. George Allen was full of
praise for Alan Keyes, recently imported to Illinois to run for the
U.S. Senate. But talk is cheap. "I've never seen any candidate who has
generated more free press," said Allen, standing next to Keyes at a
reception sponsored by Black America's Political Action Committee
(BAMPAC), which Keyes founded. That's a knowing comment from the man
who also is chairman of the Republican Senatorial Committee, which
provides money to help GOP senate candidates. "His opponent may have
millions of dollars," Allen adds, "but Alan Keyes has millions of
ideas." It's a good thing for Keyes that he can generate so much free
press, because he might have a long wait for Allen to give him anything
more tangible than words of praise. Allen was distinctly non-committal
when asked if his committee would contribute to Keyes' election effort.
"We're going to put money in campaigns where it will have the greatest
impact," Allen said, trying to avoid commenting on the Keyes campaign.
When pressed on the matter directly, Allen would only say, "We'll see
how it proceeds." A recent Chicago Tribune/WGN-TV poll indicated that
Keyes trails his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, by a massive 41
percentage points. [more ]
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