Civil Disobedience Turns to Rebellion in Face of NYC Police Repression
Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 12:52AM
Thousands participated in organized civil disobedience and spontaneous
protests in still another day of demonstrations surrounding the
Republican National Convention in New York City. Today's actions,
loosely coordinated and spread throughout Manhattan, were met by a
massive and intolerant police force. Police arrested hundreds of
nonviolent protesters in what one civil rights lawyer dubbed a clear
policy of "pre-emption." A decentralized conglomeration of groups,
calling itself A31, planned many of today's protests and said they
intended to engage in nonviolent "direct action" and other forms of
peaceful protest to call attention to the casualties of war and war
profiteering, protest the corporate media's role in disinformation, and
generally interfere with the visits of RNC delegates. [more ] and [more ]
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