Democrats to Target Cuban Votes in Fla.
- Originally published in Roll Call September 29, 2004
Copyright 2004 Roll Call, Inc.
By Amy Keller
New Democrat Network on Tuesday announced the launch of what one
adviser called "mission impossible": a serious effort to woo South
Florida's Cuban-American exile community, a group that tends to vote
overwhelmingly Republican.
"It's a lot more difficult than [courting] other Hispanics
... but there is an opening there," NDN pollster Sergio Bendixen told
reporters as the group unveiled two new advertisements that are part of
a $1 million media buy aimed at the 300,000 members of South Florida's
Cuban exile community.
A solid majority of
Cuban exiles who came to America before the 1980s voted for Bush in
2000, but Bendixen said his research shows that there's "an opening" to
convert Cuban Americans to voting Democratic -- if the message is right.
said his recent surveys have "detected frustration" among some in the
Cuban community, especially a feeling that they are being manipulated
by Republican office-holders who "demagogue" the Cuba issue.
NDN has produced two new ads that are designed to speak to those
concerns and make the case that Democrats can better provide for the
needs of Cuban Americans, such as health care.
ads will run on Univision, Telemundo and other Spanish-language
television stations. The buy budgets $500,000 for broadcasts in the
Miami area and another $500,000 for other parts of the state.
one ad, an exasperated, middle-aged Cuban exile listens in a coffee
shop to a politician's hard-line declaration of "Viva Cuba Libre" on
the radio. In Spanish, she asks, "Until when are they going to keep
eating our brains?" -- a Cuban expression that, roughly translated,
means, "When will they stop manipulating us?"
problem is something we, the Cubans, need to resolve, and in the
meantime, what are the Republicans doing to solve the problems we have
here?" she continues. "The Democrats have concrete plans to help us,
like access to a good medical insurance, cheaper medicines and
Medicare. There is no doubt: With the Democrats we will have a better
A similar ad features Hialeah Mayor
Raul Martinez asking the viewer, "When will they stop trying to confuse
us with these false promises?" He too says that Cubans will have "a
better life" with the Democrats.
The group
is also financing an Internet ad called "Beware of the Name Bush" that
lambastes the president in a song sung to a salsa tune.
ad is only being aired on the Internet, however, to comply with new
campaign finance laws, which prohibit the mention of federal
candidates' names in corporate or labor-funded issue advertising on
television or radio in the last 60 days before an election.
Guillemard, director of outreach for the Republican National Committee,
said the GOP is working equally hard to engage Cuban Americans and
other Latinos in the political process, especially through the committee's "Team Leader Program."
initiative involves recruiting activists from "all walks of life"
across the country to communicate a message that draws voters to the
Republican Party.
"We have activists who
at the local level are talking to their friends and families" about the
president's policies, Guillemard said. "I think in doing that --
talking to Cuban Americans -- [it becomes clear that ] no one has a
tougher record than President Bush in fighting the Castro regime while
at the same time lending a helping hand to the oppressed people of
NDN's South Florida effort is part of a larger campaign to attract Hispanic
voters for Democrats in Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Nevada. For
seven months, the group has been airing ads on Spanish-language media
outlets in those states, and it plans to stay on the air through
Recent polls by Bendixen suggest
that their efforts have made a difference in improving the Democratic
party's image in those states -- though he added that the party still
has a long way to go before declaring victory.
five months of Spanish-language ads that delivered negative messages
about Bush's record, Bendixen's poll registered an 8 point negative
shift in Bush's job-approval rating.
the right message -- including a hard line on Castro -- helped secure
retiring Sen. Bob Graham's (D-Fla.) surprisingly solid support from the
Cuban community, even when he was running against solid Republican
In his 1998 re-election bid,
Graham received a whopping 70 percent of the Cuban-American vote in
House districts represented by Cuban-American Republicans -- among his
best showings in the state. In those districts, he garnered 25 percent
to 30 percent more of the vote than Gore did in 2000.
While Bendixen also points to "significant gains among Hispanic
voters in Florida during the first nine months of 2004," it doesn't
appear to be enough to turn the tide to the Democrats. While Bush
outpaced then-Vice President Al Gore by 31 percentage points among
Hispanics in Florida in 2000, Bendixen's latest poll found Bush's lead
at 22 points -- progress, but not enough to flip the result.
NDN leaders acknowledge that they are focusing on a long-term strategy
for making inroads into Florida's Cuban and non-Cuban Hispanic
is not for this year. ... This is for the long term of the party," said
Maria Cardona, a senior vice president at the New Democrat Network and
director of the group's Hispanic Project. "You've got to start somewhere."
Of the 9 million registered voters in Florida, 1.1 million are
Hispanic, and of those registered voters, 850,000 are expected to vote
on Nov. 2.
those 850,000, some 450,000 are Cuban Americans, with approximately
300,000 considered "historic Cubans" (pre-1980 exiles) and 150,000 more
recent economic immigrants.
Cardona noted that with 1 percent of the Hispanic
vote in the battleground state of Florida translating into 10,000
votes, peeling off even a small slice of traditionally Republican
voters is "absolutely crucial."
President Simon Rosenberg predicted that Democratic Cuban-American
voters in Florida will soon outnumber Republicans by two to one.
"In the next 10 to 15 years, Texas and Florida will be overwhelmingly Democratic, as California is," Rosenberg said.