Politicians Go Courting on Indian Reservations
Friday, September 24, 2004 at 06:21PM
  • Originally published in The New York Times September 23, 2004 
Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company

By SARAH KERSHAW; Eli Sanders contributed reporting from Seattle for this article.

Something remarkable happened at the annual powwow of the Rosebud Sioux here last month. Before thousands of American Indians gathered on the prairie grass of this vast reservation on the northern Plains, the tribal president gave Senator Tom Daschle a red feather.

White men rarely receive the feather, a sacred tribal honor bestowed on Indian veterans, and some at the powwow later said they were shocked and offended.

Mr. Daschle, who is locked in a tight and vicious race with his Republican challenger, John Thune, said he was deeply moved, and he was undoubtedly grateful because he also received the influential endorsement of the tribal president, who has a lot of Republican friends.

Indians are a long ignored bloc of voters representing only 1.5 percent of the population. They have begun to show their power in the last few years, helping to defeat a senator in Washington State in 2000, helping to deliver victory to another here in South Dakota here in 2002 and being heavily courted by the presidential candidates in swing states like Arizona and New Mexico.

In the last few years, political races from Congress to county sheriff have begun to hinge on the Indian vote, particularly in places like South Dakota, where the Indian population is 8 percent. Republicans and Democrats alike, including the presidential candidates, are courting Indians as never before. Mr. Daschle, the Senate minority leader, has campaign offices on all nine of South Dakota's reservations.

Long the population with the lowest voter turnout, Indians have begun to register in droves, and turnout among them has skyrocketed. Some tribes, including the Navajo Nation, the country's largest, with 300,000 members in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, have moved the dates of their tribal government elections to coincide with those for United States government officials.

Often thought to be solidly in the domain of the Democrats -- when they voted -- Indians have branched out, giving their votes and their money to both parties. The president of the Rosebud Sioux tribe, Charles Colombe, and a fast-rising number of Indians here and across the nation, have contributed to the Republican Party.

Campaign contributions to both parties have risen sharply, especially from tribes in California, Connecticut and Michigan, which have begun to funnel their hefty gambling revenues into politics, contributing almost $5 million so far this year to federal campaigns. The tribes, as sovereign nations, are subject to some, but not all, of the campaign spending limits and laws on financial contributions.

Here on the Rosebud reservation, in one of the poorest counties in the nation, where the unemployment rate hovers around 75 percent, there is little money to give, and influence has come in the way of votes. In 2002, Senator Tim Johnson was re-elected by a hair in an 11th-hour victory largely attributed to late returns from Democrats on the state's reservations.

Still, Republicans are gaining ground. Mr. Colombe, a registered independent, voted for George Bush in 2000 and said he gave his own money to Republican candidates.

''Many, many Indian people find themselves in the position that I'm in, with the need to be independent,'' Mr. Colombe said in an interview at tribal headquarters here. ''I'm weighing who can do most for Indian Country.''

Indians sent about 80 delegates to the Democratic National Convention this year and about 35 to the Republican convention, a substantial increase over previous years, according to the National Congress of American Indians, which represents the 562 tribes that operate as sovereign governments.

''It's like somebody figured out we're here,'' said OJ Semans, a Sioux who lives on the Rosebud reservation and is a field director for Four Directions, a nonprofit group focused on Indian voter registration and rights. ''We have been able to go to Washington, D.C., and where before if we went, an aide or legislative assistant would come out, now it's the senator, it's the congressman.''

In return for their votes and their campaign contributions, the tribes have gotten political promises, and sometimes results, on the issues at the top of their agenda: improving transportation, health care and education on the reservations and, for the tribes that run casinos, particularly in California, a casino-friendly environment.

Tribes involved in casinos have contributed $4.9 million so far this year to federal political campaigns, 65 percent to Democrats and 35 percent to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign spending. While only a small percentage of tribes have enough money to make the donations, and they still represent a small part of overall donations, the total is a sharp increase from 10 years ago, when the tribal casinos were just beginning to emerge, and the tribes gave $663,000, according to the center.

In South Dakota, which has one of the largest Indian populations in the United States, the election in 2002 seems to have been a watershed.

''2002 demonstrated that the Native vote is a powerful vote. It made the difference,'' Mr. Daschle said in a telephone interview from Washington. ''The Native vote is now being recognized as a very important voting bloc, and that's empowered the Native American community.''

Senator Johnson said: ''When I first came into politics, it was rare for a tribal chairman to want to be seen on the stage with a white politician. They viewed these as white man's elections.''

He added that the role of Indian voters in his victory had ''changed the political dynamics in South Dakota forever.''

''They are a force to be reckoned with,'' Mr. Johnson said.

This year's presidential candidates have reached out in unprecedented fashion to Indians in New Mexico and Arizona, tribal leaders there say.

Both campaigns have been running Indian-language advertisements in those states, and President Bush met privately with the Navajo Nation vice president, Frank Dayish Jr., before a campaign stop in New Mexico last month.

Senator John Kerry appeared last month at the powwow of the Zuni and Navajo in Gallup, N.M., where eagle feathers were waved over his head in a ritual that is said to chase away evil spirits.

''It was a real experience,'' said the Navajo Nation president, Joe Shirley Jr., who has endorsed Mr. Kerry. ''I really appreciated the fact that he was willing to come into Native country and be part of our sacred ceremony.''

Mr. Shirley, the leader of 300,000 Indians who live in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, has championed a widespread voter registration drive, and he said he believed this was the first time a presidential nominee had campaigned on Indian land.

This year, observers say several House and Senate races could be swayed by the Indian vote. In Alaska, Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican who is the daughter of Gov. Frank H. Murkowski, is in a tight race with Tony Knowles, a former governor. The state's population is 16 percent Alaska Native, and like Indian voters in other states, Alaska Natives are involved in an unprecedented voter registration drive this year.

As a group, Alaska Native leaders have not yet firmly endorsed either candidate, although some observers say they expect much of the vote to go to Mr. Knowles, a Democrat. Alaska, though, is a heavily Republican state.

Among wealthy tribes in the rest of the country, there is growing support for Republicans and several gambling tribes, including the Saginaw Chippewa in Michigan, have begun to donate relatively large sums to the Republicans.

Joseph Sowmick, public relations director for the Michigan tribe, speaking for himself and not the tribe, said, ''The Republican platform of respecting tribal sovereignty and the idea of less government is very attractive to the Saginaw Chippewa.'' The tribe, which has about 3,000 members, has contributed $239,000 to federal political campaigns so far in 2004, 62 percent to Republicans.

Among gambling tribes, the Michigan tribe ranked third in contributions, after the Morongo Band of Mission Indians in Southern California and the Mashantucket Pequot in Connecticut, each of which gave to Republicans and Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

While acknowledging that in South Dakota, Indian voters are most likely to cast most of their ballots for Democrats, John Thune, Mr. Daschle's opponent here said he was happily aware of the recent shift toward supporting Republicans.

''They are more receptive to the other side of the story,'' Mr. Thune said. ''I think that that comes from a lot of empty promises over the years from Democrats.''

Tensions are rising between Native Americans who say that many Republicans have a lot to offer Indians and that the Democrats have taken a paternalistic approach to Indians and others who say the Republicans are seeking them out only now because gambling tribes have money and other tribes have potential votes that could decide close races.

''Unfortunately, the tribes -- because they are political neophytes -- are being taken in by this whole thing,'' said Russ Lehman, managing director of the First Americans Education Project in Olympia, Wash., whose organization was heavily involved in registering American voters who were credited with helping defeat Senator Slade Gorton of Washington in 2002. ''They are being invited to dinner, but they're not really one of the guests.''

But Mr. Colombe, the president here on Rosebud, who said he was involved in unsuccessful voter registration drives in the past, played down the conflict and said the crucial development was that Indians are voting.

''We began to understand that this system will go on without you, unless you get involved,'' Mr. Colombe said. ''Ideas take a long time to catch on. This one, in my opinion, took a whole generation for our people.''
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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