Domenici would require voter ID
Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 03:47AM
Copyright 2004 Albuquerque Tribune

By: James W. Brosnan

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici wants Congress, not the Democrats he says fill New Mexico courts, to decide when state voters have to show identification.

The Albuquerque Republican introduced legislation Tuesday to require first-time voters in all states to show proof of identification if their voter registration form was not submitted in person to election officials. That issue will be argued in the New Mexico Supreme Court next week.

But Domenici told New Mexico radio outlets Monday that some of the decisions made by New Mexico judges on election matters have been "pathetic."

"I am convinced you can't fix it in the state courts because every state judge I know and I hate to say it because they are nice guys and nice ladies they all are, with few exceptions, partisan Democrats," said Domenici. "They know what's going on, and they won't rule if there's a chance it will be anything positive for Republicans."

Domenici in introducing the legislation Tuesday said the cause of the problem is the proliferation of independent groups known as 527s that have recruited "largely untrained" paid volunteers to register voters.

"In many cases, the volunteers are being paid by the number of people they are able to register," said Domenici.

"I know that many people will believe my intentions in introducing this legislation are partisan. Skeptics will say that my motive is political. But voter fraud is not about partisanship or politics. It is about fairness," he said.

The legislation also doubles the fine for individuals who knowingly register voters illegally from $10,000 to $20,000.

Whether Congress will act on the bill before the Nov. 2 general elections is problematic.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman, a Silver City Democrat, noted the Senate Rules Committee refused earlier to consider a minor change he proposed in the voter laws because it is an election year. His proposal would have made American Indian groups eligible for federal grants to make polling places accessible to the handicapped.

"There are two big challenges that we face in every election," Bingaman said. "First is getting the most number of voters to the polls. Second is ensuring that those who do vote are qualified. I favor proposals that help in both respects. But I believe we've had more trouble achieving the first objective than the second."

Bingaman also said he generally thinks the federal government should defer to the states on voting procedures.

Domenici spokesman Chris Gallegos said there are several legislative avenues that could be used to move the bill and Domenici considers it an "urgent and important matter."
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