For the past 12 years, dedicated Black scholars
and activists (including Mr Silis Muhammad, Mrs Dorothy Lewis, Elder
Osiris Akkebala and attorney Harriet AbuBakr) have been working inside
the United Nations to establish human rights and secure reparations for
all Afro-descendants in the Western Hemisphere. In numerous
interventions before diverse UN bodies, including the Human Rights
Commission, they have documented how long-term and ongoing US
Government policies of ethnocide and forced assimilation blatantly
violate UN covenants. As a result of their perseverance, the UN
sponsored an historic conference for us in LaCeiba, Honduras in March
2002 and another pivotal conference will take place in Latin America
later this year. For us, reparations means far more than financial
restitution for centuries of brutal chattel slavery and subsequent
decades of harsh institutionalised racism, including what Professor
Lani Guinier aptly describes as America's "race caste system".
Reparations means restoration of our people who have been robbed of our
original language, religion, culture and the powers of
self-determination. Please visit to learn
more about this seldom-publicised legal battle which the US Government
seeks to strangle and which the white mass media strives to hide
through non-coverage. [more ]
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