New Border Patrol chief says southwest border secure
Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 07:28PM
The new chief of the U.S. Border Patrol said Tuesday the nation's southwest border is secure, even as hundreds of thousands continue to cross illegally and the Sept. 11 commission cautioned terrorists could be among them. "We have implements ... to ensure that even if they get past the border, they're going to be caught up in that net of enforcement," said Chief David Aguilar. The Border Patrol has cameras, agents and other resources to catch illegal immigrants at and beyond the border, Aguilar said during a stop in Laredo to publicize the next phase of an ad campaign to discourage would-be migrants. Using television, radio, newspaper and bus station ads in their hometowns throughout Mexico and Central America, the ads tell would-be illegal immigrants: "No mas cruces en la frontera." The slogan translates to "No more crossing the border" but in this case, the word "cruces" also means "No more (cemetery) crosses at the border." [more ]
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