Divisive initiative losing ground: Poll finds support waning for Prop. 200
Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 07:29PM
While the latest KAET-ASU poll shows strong support for an initiative attempting to crack down on undocumented immigrants, ASU's Latino/Latina student organizations are trying to get voters to rally against it. Proposition 200, backed by a non-partisan organization called Protect Arizona Now, received 64 percent support in the August KAET-ASU poll, down from 74 percent in July.  The initiative is sure to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot in Arizona, after Maricopa County Judge Mark Armstrong ruled Tuesday that petition signatures were valid. According to the poll released in August, 64 percent of the 400 registered voters polled said they would support Proposition 200. The percentage of those supporting the initiative declined from a July poll conducted by KAET-ASU. In that poll, 74 percent said they would vote in favor of Protect Arizona Now.  "This initiative is the wrong solution to the so-called illegal immigration our state encounters," said David Virgil, facilitator of the El Concilio, a Latino student organization at ASU. "It takes away the person and replaces them with a dollar sign." [more ]
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