Confederate flag lovers Get Heated Over New Exhibit
Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 07:18PM
An art exhibit featuring a lynched Confederate
flag opened Friday evening amid heavy security at host Gettysburg
College and without the artist, who stayed away in protest. About 250
people lined up for the opening of "Recoloration Proclamation: The
Gettysburg Redress," which featured 23 versions of the Confederate flag
-- including one made with a feather boa -- along with a jazz version
of "Dixie" and a version of Sarasota, Fla., artist John Sims' rewriting
of the Gettysburg Address. One display, entitled "the proper way to
hang a confederate flag" will show a Confederate battle flag
hanging from a noose attached to a wooden beam. Many of those standing
in line to see the exhibit were college students, including Stephanie
Davies, 20, of Wilton, Conn., a junior psychology major. "It's kind of
weird to have something like this happen on our campus," Davies said.
"A lot of people don't really understand the point of it." [more ]
Confederate Flag rally at Governor's mansion [more ]
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