8.8. $BILLION Missing in Iraq
Monday, August 23, 2004 at 03:15PM
Three U.S. senators have called on Defense  Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to account for 8.8 billion dollars entrusted to  the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq earlier this year but now  gone missing. In a letter Thursday, Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon, Byron L Dorgan of North  Dakota and Tom Harkin of Iowa, all opposition Democrats, demanded a "full,  written account" of the money that was channeled to Iraqi ministries and  authorities by the CPA, which was the governing body in the occupied  country until Jun. 30. The loss was uncovered in an audit by the CPA's inspector general. It has  not yet been released publicly and was initially reported on the website of  journalist and retired U.S. Army Col David Hackworth. [more ]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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