Schwarzenegger has Not Signed the Redskin Mascot bill yet
Friday, August 20, 2004 at 07:45AM
A spokesman for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said his boss has not yet taken a position on the anti-mascot law that passed the State Assembly and State Senate. The legislation needs Schwarzenegger's signature to become law. The legislation bans the use of the word "Redskin." If approved and signed, the Mascot Bill would make California the first state to put a ban on mascot names. The ban would affect all middle- and high schools in the state, and would take affect January 1, 2006, but schools could continue using old team uniforms with the Redskin name on them until they wore out if they selected a new team name and discontinued using Redskins as a name for any school publications or on any marquees or signs. [more ]
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