Lawsuit: Officers Abuse Police Brutality Activist and his spouse
Monday, August 16, 2004 at 02:19AM
A former Bernalillo County sheriff's sergeant is
the target of a lawsuit that seeks damages for the "tortuous" damages
it says she wreaked on the family of a police watchdog activist. The
lawsuit, filed this week in state District Court, names Natalie Jasler
as the sergeant who falsely arrested Gilbert Elizondo at his South
Valley home, striking and handcuffing him and violently mistreating his
wife, Margaret Nieto. Jasler allegedly slapped and kicked them and
kneed him in the groin several times while he was handcuffed and other
deputies held him. In an interview last month, Elizondo said he
continues to suffer physical pain in his back, shoulders and head and
has difficulty sleeping at night. Elizondo was then arrested on a
charge of aggravated assault on a peace officer. Jasler accused him of
slamming her into a wall and injuring her shoulder. The charges were
dropped moments before Elizondo was to go to trial last month because
of last-minute "discovery issues" involving police reports. [more
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