Inquiry clears Military higher ups of wrongdoing in Iraq prison abuse scandal
Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 06:59AM

A report into the prisoner abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison clears US military officers from any wrongdoing but faults them for creating conditions that allowed the mistreatment to go on. The report by Major General George Fay is expected to blame at least two dozen military intelligence personnel, civilian contractors and Central Intelligence Agency officers for wrongdoing, unnamed Pentagon and military officials told The New York Times and USA Today newspapers. But the inquiry found no evidence of direct culpability above the colonel who commanded the military intelligence unit at the prison, these officials said. The document, which is still under revision, is expected to be presented to the US Congress early next week, said the Times. It could be made public as early as Friday, said USA Today. [more ] and  [more ]
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