Company Claims Exclusive Rights to Che' Guevara's Image 
Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 06:47AM

A photograph of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara that long has been a symbol for the socialistic left is becoming a sign of American corporate power. Scott Cramer, owner of a mail-order business on E. Lake Street in Minneapolis, Northern Sun Merchandising, got the stunning news Monday when he was told by an Atlanta company that he must immediately stop selling his line of Che T-shirts, mugs and posters. The company, Fashion Victim, informed Cramer that it has owned exclusive rights to this famous Guevara image in North America for two years. "I was told that if I wanted to continue to sell T-shirts, I would have to order from them," Cramer said. After getting over the shock that a single company may own the famous image of a revolutionary icon, Cramer was in for another shock. He asked the owner of Fashion Victim where their Che T-shirts are produced. "Honduras," was the answer. This is called piling irony on top of irony. Guevara is seen as a symbol of power of the people. Most progressives believe Honduras is home to vile sweatshops where workers have no rights to organize and are paid a pittance. ' [more ]
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