Crying Wolf in the War Against Terror: No Case Against Hamdi. No Credibility.
- Originally published in the LA Times on August 16, 2004.
The feds face a stunning blow to credibility by releasing a long-jailed U.S. citizen.
By Andrew Cohen
"Never mind," the feds now say to Yaser Esam Hamdi, the alleged enemy
combatant whose case was decided in June by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Never mind that we threw you into the brig and then fought like
wildcats to deprive you of fundamental constitutional rights. Never
mind that we told federal judges that you were a dangerous enemy of the
United States.
Now, it seems, the government is negotiating with Hamdi's attorneys for
his release from confinement. According to reports, Hamdi would
renounce his U.S. citizenship, move to Saudi Arabia and accept some
travel restrictions, as well as some monitoring by Saudi officials, in
exchange for his freedom. In addition, he may have to agree not to file
a civil rights lawsuit against the federal government.
If all Hamdi has to worry about is going forward into his new life of
freedom, it would be a remarkable turnaround for a man who for years
now the government has sworn is a terrorist. It would be a shocking
admission from the government that there is not now, and probably never
has been, a viable criminal case against Hamdi. And it would cause a
stunning and long-lasting loss of credibility for the representations
that government lawyers and military officials make in these sorts of
terror law cases.
The Justice Department is spinning the talks between Hamdi's attorneys
and federal lawyers as a routine exercise in the release of prisoners
in wartime. But it is fairly clear that such talks did not take place
before the Supreme Court rode to Hamdi's rescue a couple of months ago
by requiring his captors to give him some rights.
If Hamdi is such a minor threat today that he can go back to the Middle
East without a trial or any other proceeding, it's hard not to wonder
whether the government has been crying wolf all these years.
The government, remember, told a federal appeals panel in June 2002
that "Hamdi's background and experience, particularly in the Middle
East, Afghanistan and Pakistan, suggest considerable knowledge of
Taliban and Al Qaeda training and operations." Government lawyers told
the Supreme Court itself as late as April that Hamdi's continued
detention (without charges) was necessary and appropriate. Why?
Because, the feds said, Hamdi was captured when his Taliban unit
surrendered to Northern Alliance forces and, at the time of his
capture, Hamdi had an AK-47 rifle.
Since Sept. 11, many American citizens have been indicted and
prosecuted in the domestic war on terrorism for less sinister conduct
(remember the Lackawanna 6?). But apparently no case ever will be
brought against Hamdi. No, he did his time without a judge or a jury
finding proof against him beyond a reasonable doubt.
And now that his case and his cause have become an embarrassment, now
that the Supreme Court smacked down the executive branch's power grab,
the feds have decided that they are better off just moving on.
When you think about that, and you think about what the Constitution is
supposed to protect us against, Hamdi's story is a scary one even
during this time of terror.
And it reminds me of the story of another U.S. citizen who was captured
by the Northern Alliance while hanging out with the Taliban in the
months after the 9/11 attacks. I wonder today what John Walker Lindh
thinks of this governmental change of heart about Hamdi. Unlike Hamdi,
Lindh was never deemed an enemy combatant and immediately deprived of
his rights. Instead, he was indicted and prosecuted and is now spending
20 years in a federal prison after pleading guilty to aiding a
terrorist organization. Lindh's attorneys are following this
development very closely because of the similarities between their
client and Hamdi. They hope the government gives Lindh the same
reconsideration it has extended to Hamdi.
Nothing the Supreme Court declared in the Hamdi case in June requires
the government to take the action it took. All the court did was
declare that Hamdi is entitled to some form of constitutional due
process. The government could satisfy that obligation to Hamdi, the
court suggested, by some form of military review process. But
apparently Hamdi won't have to endure such a process.
So don't blame the justices if you see Hamdi whooping it up in Riyadh
sometime next year. And don't blame Lindh for shaking his head at the
unequal treatment these two cases represent. This isn't supposed to
happen in a nation ruled by law.