Time Magazine Reporter faces jail over silence in CIA leak probe. 
Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 03:11PM
A Time magazine reporter chose to fight a court order requiring him to testify in the Justice Department's probe into the leak of a CIA operative's name, while an NBC executive chose to cooperate, according to court documents and parties involved in the case. The July 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan was unsealed Monday. He ruled that Time reporter Matthew Cooper and NBC Washington Bureau chief Tim Russert must comply with the subpoenas requested by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in his probe of the leak to the media of the CIA role of Valerie Plame, wife of former U.S. diplomat Joseph Wilson. Revealing the name of a CIA operative is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. The politically sensitive leak created waves when Wilson blamed Bush administration political operatives for leaking the information to syndicated newspaper columnist Robert Novak, who disclosed it. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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