1000 Ex-Felons Put Back On Voter Rolls in Florida.
Friday, August 13, 2004 at 06:05PM
Florida election officials on Thursday mailed counties names of nearly 1,000 voters they now say should never have been purged from voter rolls four years ago. Secretary of State spokeswoman Jenny Nash said the letter came as the result of mediation from a lawsuit brought by civil rights groups. The packets, sent by mail courier, should arrive at election supervisors' offices today. They include the names of voters targeted for removal in 1999 and 2000 because of felony convictions. The catch is that their crimes occurred in states that automatically restore voting rights following completion of a criminal sentence. The letter from Hood said names of voters convicted of felonies in Illinois and Ohio were forwarded to election supervisors. In May, the letter said, the Division of Elections sent county officials names of voters convicted of felonies in Connecticut, South Carolina, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin who should be returned to voter rolls. [more ]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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