"The 2004 Election another pyrric for white supremacy"
Sunday, November 21, 2004 at 02:41AM
Why would so many US working and middle class citizens vote against
their own class interests in the recent presidential election? And what
can really be said about the "morality" of those who oppose stem cell
research, effective social programs for the poor and disadvantaged,
adequate funding of schools, abortion and the right of women to control
their bodies, national health care insurance, and affirmative action
programs but at the same time support capital punishment, economic
inequality with the most extreme income gap between "haves" and
"have-nots" of any industrial nation, racism, both structural and
otherwise, and the criminal invasion of Iraq with the slaughter of at
least 100,000 children, women, and men all for the sake of Iraqi oil
and imperialist dreams of conquest and domination, and white
supremacist visions of world hegemony? Given such glaring
contradictions, one wonders if many US citizens are able to discern the
difference between the wheat and the chaff and what is the quality of
their reality contact. Or is there another dynamic lurking just beneath
the surface: white control, white exclusivity, and in a word,
whitesupremacy under the guise of so-called "Christian" values which
are often egregious violations of many of the basic tenets of authentic
Christianity including the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you," a rule predicated on liberty, justice and
equality, as well as other integrative aspects of Christianity like
"Love thy neighbor as thy self" which speaks of socialism rather than
unjust, misanthropic, dog-eat-dog capitalism and class conflict. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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