Colin Powell, who urged the president to think more deeply about the
consequences of invading Iraq, is being shoved toward the exit. And
Condoleezza Rice, who blithely told America, "We don't want the smoking
gun to be a mushroom cloud," is being ushered in to take his place.
Competence has never been highly regarded by the fantasists of the
George W. Bush administration. In the Bush circle, no less than in your
average youth gang, loyalty is everything. The big difference, of
course, is that the administration is far more dangerous than any gang.
History will show that the Bush crowd of incompetents brought
tremendous amounts of suffering to enormous numbers of people. The
amount of blood being shed is sickening, and there is no end to the
grief in sight. [more]
Realists fleeing State Department as Rice moves in [more]
Republican Hick Ann Coulter says those who Oppose Condezella Rice are Racist [more]
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