WIS: Milwaukee County agrees to print ballots requested by city
Saturday, October 16, 2004 at 05:07AM
County Executive Scott Walker agreed Friday that the county would print the full allotment of November election ballots requested by the City of Milwaukee. Under a compromise, Mayor Tom Barrett agreed to split the cost and to return unused ballots to the Milwaukee County Election Commission to ensure that they are accounted for. The deal, announced jointly at a cordial City Hall news conference, averted a potentially drawn out dispute as the Nov. 2 election approached. The agreement also seemed to end an increasingly ugly spat that had Walker warning of ballot fraud and city officials complaining of vote suppression. County officials had reduced the city's ballot request by 259,000 and printed 679,000. Under the compromise, the total will be 938,000, nearly three times the number of registered voters as of September. The additional cost is less than $40,000.  [more ]
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